Post by Abdelrazak YounesPost by Peter KuemmelPost by KornelPost by Peter KuemmelBut ATMit is mixed in the cmake files, and in lyx's code also tabs are used.
Mixing is a consequence having tab stop != indent.
I've no problem switching to spaces. Do you prefer 2,3, or 4?
Come on. I use the same editor to edit CMakeList and the C++ source
(QtCreator or MSVC). Please just one style i.e. tab only.
I also realized after my last mail and adding non C++ files to Studio
(I assume we could add them also in other IDEs), that having C++ files
with tabs and non-C++ files with spaces makes no sense. Sorry Kornel,
but LyX is a tab-project, and changing this provokes religious like
flame-wars. So I think we should use tabs also in the cmake files.
"But in the README/INSTALL files we use spaces" you may object, but
these files are not used for the development like C++ and cmake files.
I don't know how often you touch C++ files but editing them frequently
you will also see that one style for all files is better.